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How to add product images to Order Receipt Email

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    How to add product images to Order Receipt Email

    Within the Customer Order Receipt Email, is there a way to add the product image to the Order Receipt, without using a module? In other words, is there a snippet of Miva code that would pull that image into the email based on what is purchased and displayed on the email?

    thank you in advance,
    elizabeth ;-)

    Re: How to add product images to Order Receipt Email

    Hey Elizabeth -

    If your using the regular thumbnail/fullsize image fields to store your images for your products, then there is no built in code to access them on the emails. You can get a module called the toolkit to get this information:

    <mvt:item name="toolkit" param="vproduct_find|productfound|l.all_settings:item:code" />
    <mvt:if expr="productfound GT 0">
        <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:key_product:thumbnail">
            <img src="&mvte:key_product:thumbnail;" border="0" width="30" height="20">
    If you are using the new image system (Additional Images tab) then you can access the images on the confirmation emails without a module. You first have to create an image type and assign the image type to the customer confirmation email page template. You can then access that image using code like this:

    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:item:imagetypes:basket">
        <img src="&mvte:item:imagetypes:basket;" alt="&mvt:item:name;" title="&mvt:item:name;">
    Full instructions can be found here. This shows you how to add images to the basket page, but the same concepts can be applied to the confirmation emails.
    Last edited by Brennan; 08-21-12, 09:36 AM.
    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]

